Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Strategize to make life meaningful

If you believe you are a child or part of divine, then you should aspire to have big dreams and intentions in life and this is where strategy starts, says Dr Kapil Kakar

Life is a gift of God. However, what we make out of our lives depends on how we control and maneuver it. If we are successful, it denotes a sound strategy has been well thought and executed, but if we fail, we must acknowledge that somewhere our strategy went wrong. It becomes imperative that we find, create and work on the right strategy which makes our life meaningful.

Potent intention

If you believe you are a child or part of divine, then you should aspire to have big dreams and intentions in life and this is where strategy starts. If your intention and expectation from life is not big, you are not optimally using the divine gifts which come in the form of myriad resources like mind, body, potential, talent, etc.

Thinking — An intangible action

A lot of people tend to spend more time on action believing if they think too much, they would be able to do very little. Thinking is the foundation for the right action. One needs to spend more time thinking.

Evaluate resources

One must first find out about the available resources — small or insignificant, evaluate their importance and usage before working on any opportunity. Also try to fit all resources in your preparation.

Take minute information seriously

Go into every little detail and collect as much information as you can. Incongruent or incomplete information leads to ill preparedness and dissatisfaction. So, don’t take anything for granted and remember a big problem is unconsciously nurtured and doesn’t happen accidentally. It is fallout of a non serious attitude towards small details.

Share and discuss

Share your thoughts with only those who possess almost same or higher amount of information, otherwise you are speaking to the wrong person and seeking the wrong guidance leading to wrong life preparation and strategy.

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