Thursday, October 8, 2009

State awards

IBN7 Diamond States Awards  bestowed an honor to states for the following categories:

Kerala - Best Big state award
Punjab - Best small state award

1IBN7 Diamond States Award – Healthcare
Big State - Kerala
Small State -Goa
2IBN7 Diamond States Award – Education
Big State -Megahalya

Small State -Chattisgarh

3IBN7 Diamond States Award – Basic Infrastructure
Big State - Kerala

Small State  - Delhi

4IBN7 Diamond States Award – Women Empowerment
Big State - Tamil Nadu

Small State -

5IBN7 Diamond States Award – Citizen Security & Justice
Big State - Gujarat      Nagaland

Small State - Goa         UP

6IBN7 Diamond States Award – Water & Sanitation
Big State - Tamil Nadu

Small State - Sikkim

7IBN7 Diamond States Award – Employment
Big State - Chattisgarh

Small State -HP

8IBN7 Diamond States Award – Poverty Reduction
Big State - Punjab

Small State - J&K

9IBN7 Diamond States Award – Environment
Big State - Kerala

Small State - Goa

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