Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just a matter of talking

Just a matter of talking
Vinita thought Resham was proud. Resham thought Vinita was avoiding her. What could be the problem?
Vinita had to push her cycle homE and she was tired. just then an old lady came to help her...

Resham is really proud these days. It’s because she came first in class last term.”
Vinita’s mother was surprised to hear Vinita. Resham is your friend,” said her mother.
“Yes but not anymore. I didn’t like her attitude. Her Grandmother has come and till now she hasn’t introduced me to her.”
“Resham may be preoccupied. Speak to her about it.”
“Why should I? It’s not my problem after all.”
“If it’s not your problem then why can’t you just forget about it? Why don’t you take the initiative and have a chat with her.”
“That would be eating humble pie!”
“On the other hand, it would mean you are approachable, keen on straightening things up and you don’t take things for granted.”
The next day as Vinita was cycling home from school she had a puncture. She had to push it home. It was very hot and she was almost faint with fatigue. An old lady saw her and bought her tender coconut. After she had drunk the water, Vinita felt much better. Vinita thanked the old lady and thought to herself that the old lady was indeed an angel.
Since they were going in the same direction they walked back together. The old lady stopped in front of an apartment which looked familiar. It was Resham’s apartment!
Just then, Resham came running towards them shouting, “Grandma! Grandma!” Vinita was surprised. Grandma invited her home. Vinita was hesitant, but before she could protest she found herself sitting inside Resham’s house with snacks and juice in front of her.
“How are you, Vinita?” said Resham.
“I am fine.” “Is something wrong? Why have you been avoiding me lately,”
“Well it’s not me. It’s you who has been avoiding me!,” replied Vinita. “Your Grandmother has been here all these days and you didn’t introduce me to her.”
“After my Grandmother came here, she became sick, that’s why I couldn’t introduce you to her. She was admitted in hospital. Later, when I visited you, I found that you had gone on a vacation. And you hadn’t told me about that at all. I couldn’t reach you on your mobile and I had no idea when you would get back. When you returned, you didn’t even call me.”
Vinita thought about what Resham had said and it all made sense. Had she been too hasty jumping to conclusions?
“So is this your friend whom you wanted to introduce me all this while,” asked Grandma. “Resham has told me so much about you!”

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