Wednesday, September 30, 2009


stubbornly unyielding or tenacious;obstinate

If you're obstinate, you're just plain stubborn. "Obstinate," "dogged," "stubborn," "pertinacious," and "mulish" all mean that someone is unwilling to change course or give up a belief or plan. "Obstinate" suggests an unreasonable persistence; it's often a negative word. "Dogged," which can be more positive, implies that someone goes after something without ever tiring or quitting, while "pertinacious" suggests a persistence that can be annoying. "Stubborn" indicates a resistance to change, which may or may not be admirable. Someone who displays a really unreasonable degree of stubbornness could accurately be described as "mulish."

2) enumerate:
 to specify one after another ;LIST;name one by one
EX: 1) Get up
       2) Take bath
       3) Prayer
       4) Breakfast

3) illustrate:
   to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate

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